90 Minute can sitting on all red backdrop
90 Minute can sitting on all red backdrop
90 Minute can sitting on all red backdrop

90 Minute IPA

Abundantly hoppy & compellingly complex

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What you have here is the only Imperial IPA in America inspired by a bowl of soup and a thrift store football game...

Back in the 90’s, Sam was struck by a cooking show demo teaching viewers how to properly season soup through a process of continuous peppering. As it stewed and simmered, the chef added pepper in small but consistent doses, bringing through a unique bold taste and intense savory notes. 

Enter our thrift store electric football game. If rigged at just the right angle over the brew kettle, the hops would come cascading down into the boiling wort at a consistent rate. Continual hopping was born!

With rich pine and fruity citrus hop aromas and a strong malt backbone, 90 Minute IPA created pungent, unapologetic flavor that led Esquire to call it “perhaps the best IPA in America.”


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Year Round

Original Release Date:


Imperial India Pale Ale


IPA glass


Pork chops, beef, grilled fish, frites, focaccia, split pea soup, escargot


Golden amber

Heavy piney and citrus hop aromas

Brandied fruitcake, raisiney, citrusy

Full and malty with slightly lingering bitterness