"It seems as if lots of folks who have gluten-tolerance issues are pining for an interesting beer," says Dogfish founder and president Sam Calagione. "While there are a few well-made examples that mirror traditional beer styles, there arent any off-centered offerings."
Enter Tweason'ale.
For our first new 12-ounce 4-packs in nearly half a decade, we replaced the classic barley foundation of beer with a mild sorghum base. The hints of molasses and pit-fruit are balanced by vibrant strawberry notes and a unique complexity that comes with the addition of a malty buckwheat honey.
We believe health-conscious beer drinkers and the millions of Americans who suffer from Celiac disease can cut back on gluten while relishing the distinction and drinkability of this very special brew.
Tweason'ale first hit shelves in late January 2012 and is available year-round through our national network of distributors.
This beer was pretty labor-intensive to make, but it was a beautiful process. We invited our artist friends Jamie and Kevin to come document our brew with their ultra-cool Cinemagraph process. Check out the process here.
Original Release Date:
Fruit Ale
© DOGFISH HEAD® Tweason'ale . Fruit Ale . Dogfish Head Craft Brewery . Milton DE . Off-Centered People Drink Responsibly